How to get a positive online review from your customers

Set standards and maintain them for every customer whether in peak times or lulls.
Set standards and maintain them for every customer whether in peak times or lulls.

All the advertising in the world can fall flat and leave your rooms or tables empty if your message isn’t right, but one online review can change everything.

An online review by an unbiased, independent critic with nothing to gain by singing your praises sends the best and clearest message possible. And with nearly 90% of your potential customers reading online reviews before they make a decision, you can't afford to miss out. So how do you get positive online reviews? Here are some tips.

Be consistently great

Yes, it's the obvious one first, but before you proactively seek online reviews you have to lay the foundations with a great product. Set standards and maintain them for every customer whether in peak times or lulls. If you view every customer as a potential online critic and do all you can to make their experience a positive one, the law of averages will do the rest. 

Be on song online

In order to be reviewed online you have to have an accessible presence online. And that means firstly creating your own professional website. It also means taking the time to join and create a profile on as many relevant review sites as possible. You'll find a host of hospitality sites dedicated to restaurants, hotels and bars, so pick the ones best suited to your demographic and client base. You should also create profiles on large directory sites such Google+, Truelocal and Yelp. The bigger your online presence, the higher your business will rank with Google and the more potential customers will be able to find you, review your business and read your reviews.

Actively seek reviews

You know when someone has had a good experience; they're complimenting and tipping and generally singing your praises as they leave. They're also your hottest prospect for a glowing online review. So ask for it right there and then. Make it easy for them by giving them a card with a review site address and any other details that will be helpful. But you have to act on the spot. If you email them or call them a day later, chances are their enthusiasm will have waned, the euphoria of the experience now a little clouded, and your review will suffer as a result.

Email your regulars

There's a reason people keep coming back and it's a reason you'd love them to share. So either ask your regulars for a review next time they visit, or email them with a polite request. If a customer emails you with some post-visit praise or appreciation, take the opportunity to ask them for a review. The more you get in the habit of seizing on positive moments, the more your online praise will grow.

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